Aquaculture Treatment
Maintain Water Quality in Tanks and PONDS
Ammonia (NH3) and nitrite (NO2) are toxic to fish and invertebrates, and methods to prevent the buildup of these products within growing tanks and ponds are essential to assure a healthy aquatic environment. The EcoClear technology can be easily incorporated into aquaculture operations to maintain high water quality.
A healthy population of nitrifying bacteria is needed to convert toxic NH3 and NO2 into relatively non-toxic NO3 (nitrate). However, adequate populations of Nitrosomonas (to convert NH3 to NO2) and Nitrobacter (to convert NO2 to NO3) bacteria are sometimes difficult to maintain within tanks and ponds. Furthermore, once the proper biological balance id lost, it may take over a month to restore the population of these bacteria to effective levels. If fish are introduced to a tank or pond before the nitrifying population is stable, fish stress or mortality will occur. Even when a healthy bacterial population is present, excessive algae growth, equipment failure, decomposition of animals, or any other factors that allow a buildup of organic material in the water, and elevated NH3 and NO2 levels can result.
In addition to ammonia and nitrate, the EcoClear products also consume phosphate, minimizing algae growth in ponds by reducing the nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients that encourage algae growth.
EcoClear products and systems assure that a healthy population of nitrifying population of nitrifying bacteria is continually available to dose to tanks and ponds on a routine basis, or when a toxic situation develops. EcoClear is non-toxic, non-pathogenic, and safe for all fish and wildlife.
EcoClear is available in ready to use bottles, 5 gallon pails, 55 gallon drums, 275 gallon totes, or as an on-site bioreactor system to provide a continuous supply of nitrifying bacteria for any size aquaculture facility. Typically ready to use products are appropriate for most aquaculture facilities, but for large operations an on-site bioreactor system may be more economical.
EcoClear products are available for both freshwater and saltwater environments.
Please contact Eco Scientific, Inc. for a detailed proposal that will best meet the needs of your aquaculture facility.